Cigars have long been associated with celebration, success, and relaxation. But what if you could take that luxurious smoking experience to the next level? Enter CBD infused cigars – the latest innovation by taking the cigar world by storm.
This article will explore everything you need to know about these intriguing new smokes. What exactly are CBD cigars? How are they made? What are the potential benefits? Can they enhance your overall smoking enjoyment? And most importantly, where can you get your hands on these cannabinoid-rolled treats?
So light them up and settle in as we delve into the fascinating world of CBD infused cigars. By the end, you’ll be chomping to try one yourself!
Bringing Together Two Timeless Traditions
Cigars and cannabis have more in common than you might think. Both offer a rich sensory experience that enthusiasts savor. Smoking either involves slowing down, relaxing, and entering a meditative headspace. Given these similarities, fusing these two time-honored indulgences makes perfect sense.
CBD infused cigars blend the very best of both realms. They start with premium-quality cigar leaves grown in nutrient-rich soils. Master rollers then meticulously bind the leaves using age-old techniques. The magic happens when they infuse each cigar with an abundant dose of top-tier CBD (cannabidiol). The result? It is a smooth, flavorful smoke that delivers all the perks without the high.
How They’re Made
The creation process for CBD infused cigars mirrors that of traditional premium stogies. It all starts with procuring high-grade whole tobacco leaves. The best leaves have an oily sheen and visible veins. They come from varietals like Connecticut Shade, Corojo, and Habano.
Skilled artisans carefully hand-roll the leaves into the distinctive cigar shape. They don’t use any reconstituted tobacco, stems, or fillers. Just whole leaves layered seamlessly together. The cigars then undergo an extended fermentation and aging period to develop complexity.
Now comes the fun part – it’s time to infuse them with CBD! Manufacturers use pharmaceutical-grade CBD isolate powder to control precise dosing. They generally aim for 10-25mg CBD per cigar. The powder evenly penetrates the leaves via a proprietary process. This ensures that CBD enriches every puff you take.
Once infused, the CBD cigars rest for 2-4 weeks. This allows the CBD to fully merge with the leaves before packing. The final product offers cannabinoids and tobacco working in perfect harmony.
Why Add CBD to Cigars?
Infusing cigars with CBD offers several potential upsides for smokers:
Enhanced relaxation: CBD has become renowned for its calming properties. Lighting up a cannabinoid-enriched cigar may promote more profound relaxation compared to tobacco alone. Take your chill time to the next level!
Soothing potential: Science shows CBD engages endocannabinoid receptors throughout the body. This interaction could contribute to mild effects from head to toe. Sounds like a great way to unwind!
Richer experience: Adding CBD introduces supplemental phytochemicals into the mix. These components may provide a more intricate, multi-layered smoking experience.
No “high” feeling: CBD will not get you buzzed like THC, the psychoactive cannabis compound. You can reap therapeutic benefits without any cerebral alteration.
Of course, individual results may vary. But the potential is there! Those intriguing possibilities make CBD cigars so exciting for stogie connoisseurs.
Sample the Unique Flavor Profiles
CBD, on its own, has an earthy, plant-based taste. It takes on a richer depth and nuance when merged with premium tobacco. Infused cigar enthusiasts can pick out notes of:
- Roasted nuts
- Coffee
- Cocoa
- Leather
- Oak
- Pepper
- Citrus
The aroma and flavor vary based on the cigar’s variety and origin. For example, Nicaraguan puros tend to have a bold, peppery essence. Dominican blends produce smoother chocolate and caramel undertones. The CBD adds an extra layer of flavor complexity.
Another critical benefit is that CBD appears to mitigate the harshness of tobacco. So you can savor those dense clouds of smoke without as much nicotine bite or bitterness. Overall, CBD infused cigars offer a subtler, more soothing smoking experience.
Which Types Should You Try?
If you’re eager to fire up your first cannabinoid stogie, you’ve got options! Here are some of the most popular styles of CBD enriched cigars available today:
Robusto: The Robusto remains one of the most beloved cigar sizes. It delivers the ideal combo of rich taste and quick smoking time. CBD robustos provide about 30-45 minutes of mellow cannabinoid enjoyment.
Corona: Just a touch longer than robustos, coronas offer a touch more leisurely cannabis cigar experience. You’ll get about an hour to kick back and savor the smooth blend.
Churchill: For occasions when you’ve got plenty of relaxation time, go for the bold Churchill. These fuller cigars provide up to 2 hours of CBD smoking bliss.
Cigarillos: Want a shorter smoke break? Try infused cigarillos. They trim the time to 15-20 minutes but still pack an abundant CBD punch.
Pre-Rolled Joints: For those who prefer paper over wrappers, you can also find pre-rolled CBD joints. They deliver all the chill with less time commitment.
Whatever your preference, there’s a cannabis cigar out there ready to elevate your smoking sessions. It’s just a matter of finding your perfect match!
Where to Buy CBD Infused Cigars
Up until recently, CBD cigars occupied somewhat of a legal gray area. But the 2018 Farm Bill changed the game. It explicitly legalized hemp and its derivatives like CBD. So long as the CBD comes from hemp and contains less than 0.3% THC, it’s federally legal. This legislation opened the doors for CBD cigars to join the party.
You can now find premium CBD-infused cigars at many smoke shops, head shops, and online retailers. When browsing, look for companies that source USA-grown hemp and test for purity and potency. This helps ensure you get a quality-infused cigar every time.
To point you in the right direction, here are a few top-rated brands to check out:
Feliz CBD Cigars: Handmade in the Dominican Republic, Feliz cigars contain 12-18mg CBD from organic American hemp. They’re available in several blends and sizes, including Habano, Connecticut, and Corojo.
Classico Churchill CBD Cigars: Using proprietary technology, Classico infuses cigars across the entire spectrum for even distribution. Enjoy in two strengths – 10mg or 20mg CBD per cigar.
Care By Design CBD Cigars: Care By Design partners with an esteemed Dominican cigar maker to create CBD smokes. They use full-spectrum CBD oil for the entourage effect.
Erbach CBD Cigars: Made in small batches from Cameroon seed-grown tobacco, Erbach perfects the infusion process. Their award-winning Owl cigar has 10mg CBD per stick.
Don’t hesitate to ask your local tobacconist if they also carry CBD cigars. Specialty stores often have access to unique small-batch blends. With CBD-infused cigars growing increasingly popular, they should soon hit mainstream cigar shops.
Light Up Your CBD Experience
Tobacco consumption carries well-known health risks. However, generations have turned to cigars to commemorate life’s memorable moments. CBD infused cigars offer one way to reduce tobacco’s downsides while preserving its celebratory purpose potentially.
If you’re an avid cigar smoker, adding a touch of cannabinoid could make your stogie sessions even more enjoyable. And if you’ve never tried a cigar before, CBD-infused versions provide a mellower introduction. Though, of course, they aren’t risk-free either. Moderation remains key.
Hopefully, this guide gave you some “food for thought” on these intriguing new smokes. Grab a vintage lighter and your buds, then kick back on the patio with a premium CBD stogie. Let us know how you like this way of elevating and enriching your smoke break!
Q: How much CBD is in a typical CBD infused cigar?
A: Most CBD cigars contain 10-25mg per cigar. However, you can find some with even higher CBD content, upwards of 75-100mg per stick.
Q: What’s better for CBD delivery – vaping or cigars?
A: Vaping CBD provides faster absorption since the cannabinoids enter the lungs and bloodstream quickly. However, cigars allow the CBD to be steadily absorbed through the mucous membranes over a longer duration. So, cigars provide more drawn-out, consistent CBD delivery.
Q: Can you buy CBD cigars online?
A: Yes, there are many reputable online shops offering premium CBD infused cigars. Be sure they source from US-grown hemp and provide third-party lab test results.
Q: Why would I choose a CBD cigar over a regular cigar?
A: CBD may enhance relaxation, provide soothing effects, and mitigate some unwanted components of tobacco, like nicotine. However, CBD cigars are not risk-free either. They offer an alternative way to enjoy cigars with supplemental benefits.
Q: Are CBD cigars legal?
A: In the US, CBD cigars are federally legal thanks to the 2018 Farm Bill, as long as the CBD is sourced from hemp containing less than 0.3% THC. However, some states may impose additional restrictions, so check your local laws.
The Last Puff
CBD infused cigars have arrived, showing incredible promise for stogie lovers seeking new horizons. They fuse the rich sensory experience of premium cigars with the soothing wellness of cannabis. With their legal status now secure, expect CBD-enriched smokes to proliferate at tobacco shops nationwide. Sink into your favorite chair, clip the end, and fire up one of these novel creations. Then sit back as the aromatic clouds of cannabinoid-infused tobacco transport you to new heights of relaxation and enjoyment. Here’s to keeping our time-honored smoking traditions alive while elevating them in exciting new ways!
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