Career Guidance Test
The career test will be interesting to schoolchildren and students, it will help in the further choice of a profession. And also to everyone who wants to know which profession they are most inclined to.
Our career test is based on proven methods, but at the same time, unlike most career counseling tests, it examines and preferences for modern professions and areas – management, IT, freelancing, etc.
As you progress through the complex, you will have to answer 400 questions determining your professional preferences. The complex consists of three well-known tests, which are essential for career guidance activities.
The complex includes the following tests:
- Differential diagnostic questionnaire
- Professional Readiness Questionnaire
The presence in the complex testing of three tests for vocational guidance allows, firstly, to control their accuracy, if all the tests show similar results, their reliability is high enough. If the results are different, you need to consult with a psychologist or try to get tested after a certain period of time. Secondly, each test in the complex assesses vocational guidance propensities on its part, and this makes it possible to evaluate the preferences of the test subject as widely as possible. Career test is important for how to find the perfect job.
Immediately after passing the test for career guidance, you will be provided with the results of career guidance testing, without sms, payment and registration.
We recommend passing the career guidance test once every two to three years. Since during this time professional inclinations can change.
If you study at school, and only choose your future profession. Do not be limited to passing the test for career guidance. Participate in other career guidance events, for example, in those that are held in your school. You will get acquainted with different professions, visit enterprises. Try to practice some kind of profession, for example, during the summer holidays. Then you can more accurately understand which professional field you are located.
Why is it important to take a career test?
Choosing a future profession you need to clearly understand that this is “your” profession, a profession in which you will be able to realize yourself as much as possible. This means that the profession must, first, correspond to your character. For example, it is very difficult to imagine that a choleric person will engage in sedentary work, requiring maximum concentration and concentration. Secondly, the profession should correspond to your abilities, if you have an ideal ear, it makes sense to develop it and choose professions connected with music. And finally, the third, the future profession itself should evoke only positive emotions and inner satisfaction. Answers to these three questions will help in choosing a profession. And you can find these answers in your free career test.
your free career test is a universal tool that allows for a fairly short period of time, to determine how to their preferences, and evaluate the existing prof. skills. After passing the test for vocational guidance, you can make a list of professions that would be as close as possible to the test person. Career test is important for how to find the perfect job.
At the next stage, you need to get acquainted with these professions in more detail and choose the one from which you get the maximum satisfaction. And in which you have the maximum potential, the maximum advantage over other applicants (experience, physical strength, ear for music, etc.).
Such an approach will allow you to maximize yourself in the future profession, and in a tough conference take a worthy place.
Tags: career test, how to find the perfect job, your free career test
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