It is important to keep up with the latest stats and trends when it comes to the web. Here are some statistics:
Free shipping can stop this.
- The best day to send an email is Thursday.
Mailchimp has found that Thursday is the day with the highest rate of opening emails.
- 67.45% online shopping carts get abandoned before the sale is completed.
It’s like walking into a supermarket and seeing seven empty trolleys near the checkout, while only three people leave with their groceries. For help with Web Design Cheltenham, visit
- Spending money is like stubbing your toe
Recent research shows that the same part in your brain stimulated by the pain of losing money is also the same area that’s activated when you injure yourself.
- Sending emails at 10am is best
If you see that 10am is the most popular time for opening emails, it’s likely they are opened on desktops after the recipient has finished their morning coffee and settled into the workday.
- Conversion rates on e-commerce websites average around 3%
In 2010, this rate was 1%.
- There are five types of online shoppers:
- Product Focus
- Browsers
- Researchers
- Bargain hunters
- One-time buyers 8. Email open rates for marketing emails range between 15% and 25%, and 40% for transactional email.
- A email overlay can increase opt-ins up to 400%
Email overlays can be obtrusive, but they are effective.
- Mobile users now outnumber desktop users
The number of mobile users has surpassed desktops.
11. The bounce rate of landing pages is between 70% and 90%.
This bounce rate is much higher than any other for content or e-commerce websites.
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